Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Psychology Association wishes all of you a very MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!! And a Happy New Year!! :)

(P.S. College reopens on 4th January)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

LEAP - One giant step for change...

(16th December, 2009)

Being a Psychology student, we believe, is a role which comes with a profound but humbling responsibility: that of compelling ourselves to look past our own cares and towards those of others we often turn a blind eye to; not pitying, but empathising with, not advising, but enabling.

LEAP – One giant step for change…is an initiative by the students of III FEP to spread awareness among the students of our University on our responsibility towards the differently-abled. While we meet and interact with such people at various points in our lives, very few efforts are made to treat them equally, in ways that could lead to empowerment.

Continuing the Psychology Department’s annual tradition of spreading awareness within the campus on relevant issues, this year’s campaign will focus on what we can do to make the environment safe, inclusive and prejudice-free for the differently-abled. This concept of Least Restrictive Environment is slowly making its way into different fields, including education, sports and the professional world, and it remains for us to pave the way forward to greater change.

In order to take our message to the entire college, we hope to involve the entire Psychology Department, with competitions and events for most undergraduate classes. The rules for the various events are as follows:

IInd Semester
Topic: Confronting Disability: Challenges and Solutions

a) Street Theatre: 12 – 2 pm, Wednesday, 16th December
2nd Semester FEP and JPEng (in teams of 8-10)
Venue: Basketball Court, Kiosk
Time: 8+2 minutes (inclusive of time required for setting up)
Instructions: Minimal props must be used; message must be put across clearly and innovatively.

b) Exhibition: 12 – 2 pm, Wednesday, 16th December
2nd Semester PSEng and PSEco (in teams of 8-10)
Venue: Walkways in front of the Main Block and Main Gate
Instructions: Exhibits can include charts, models, samples, etc. Each team will be provided with two benches, arranged breadth-wise. Equal participation by all members of the team is essential.

IVth Semester
Topic: Enabling a level playing field
Students may form teams of three and submit the list of teams to the class Psychology teacher. Each team may participate in any one of the following five events:

a) Creative Writing:
Poem/Short story/One-act play: One entry per team. Restricted to the first eight teams from each class to register with the Psychology class teacher. Entries to be submitted on or before Monday, 14th December, to Ms. Radhika or Ms. Miriam.

b) Photography:
A minimum of three photographs per team (using a camera of your choice) of good resolution and related to the theme, must be printed and stuck on a chart. A caption for each photograph is expected. Entries must be submitted to Mr. Stephen on or before Monday, 14th December.

c) Collage:
One entry per team on any standard-sized chart. Work must be original and handmade. Entries should be submitted to Ms. Padmakumari or Ms. Sheena on or before Monday, 14th December.

d) Poster-Making:
One entry per team on any standard-sized chart. Work must be innovative, original and handmade. Entries must be submitted to Mr. Jayakumar on or before Monday, 14th December.

e) T-shirt painting:
One t-shirt (black/white) per team; work may be done on either side of the t-shirt. To be submitted to Mr. Jayakumar on or before Monday, 14th December.

Your participation towards this campaign matters!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

National Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution - The Search through Dialogue

(5th & 6th of February, 2009)

The concept of peace is especially relevant in our milieu where conflicts span the life of individuals, couples, families, communities and nations at large. We have been witnessing diverse events like terrorism, communal riots and threats to human rights. Global recession manifested at workplaces has affected people at large, giving rise to many psychosocial issues and dilemmas. Marginalization through deprivation, poverty or gender is yet another precursor to conflicts. There are a myriad of perspectives and debates on this issue, ranging from political processes, governance and laws, religious movements to socio cultural influences.
The conference is an attempt to explore various approaches and initiatives that encompass peace and conflict. It aims at analyzing violent and non-violent behavior, as well as the structural mechanisms involved in social conflict, with a view towards understanding the processes that lead to a more desirable human condition. It also seeks to obtain narrative accounts of the victims of violence and conflict.

Further, the conference aims at creating an interdisciplinary platform to dialogue on prevention, de-escalation and resolution of conflict.
The seminar committee invites you to contribute to the 2010 seminar on Peace and Conflict resolution to be held at Christ University, Bangalore. You are invited to submit abstracts outlining oral and/or poster presentations for peer review by the scientific committee.

Conference Themes
• Role of Politics, Government and Legislation
• Cross Cultural Perspectives to Peace and Conflict Resolution
• Poverty, Deprivation and Marginalization
• Media and Technology
• Religion and Peace
• Terrorism, Communal Riots and Ethnic Issues
• Conflicts within Individuals, Couples and Families
• Women and Peace
• Workplace Conflicts
• Narratives from the field
• Conflict Resolution Styles and Strategies
• Therapeutic Interventions.