Saturday, May 1, 2010

Muchas Gracias

Curtains fall on yet another fun filled and exciting academic session (2009-2010) filled with various fests, exhibitions and competitions, all organized by the Department of Psychology and the Psychology Association to make our stay at Christ a little more interesting and help us realize our various talents and make complete use of it.

I on behalf of the Executive Members of the Association would like to thank The Department for all their support and for their initiative in taking interest and organizing all these events. I also thank Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Elizabeth Jasmine, the Faculty Co-ordinators for their support and guidance rendered to us.
Last but definitely not the least, I thank you all, Students of PSEng, JPEng, PSEco and FEP for your participation and assistance. Thank you so much for making the Association what it is.

This blog will be continue to record the happenings of the Psychology Association as well as the news about various fests, exhibitions, and psychology related news and articles.

We would like to wish our juniours All The VERY BEST! Uphold the name of the Association and work together in making all the events organized by it extremely fruitful. Give your best and know that potentials lie within everyone. What doesn’t lie in everyone Is the ability to unleash them. The solution to that? Believe in yourself and know that you can make a difference.

-Anjan Behera (III JPEng)
Vice President (2009-2010)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Results of Silhouette 2010 Off-Stage events


1st- Ramya T.N. & Navendra Rashmi (II PSEco)
2nd- Anna John & Marisha Vashi (II PSEng)
Apoorva Menon & Abhimanyu Sen (III PSEng)
3rd- Rajni Singh & Sudeshna Biswas (III PSEco)


1st- Manasa & Pannaga S.G (III JPEng)
2nd- Pamela & Juney (III FEP)
3rd- Parinatha Sampath & Shikha Srivastava (III JPEng)


1st- Gayatri (III FEP)
2nd- Kavya Sharma (III JPEng)
3rd- Shruti (I JPEng)

And here is what Gayatri wrote about her entry- "Got a key?! Being students of psychology we learn the importance of being able to solve obstacles by applying psychology. Like a key has the power to unlock doors!"


1st- Namrata K. (III PSEco) ["Suspended reality."]
2nd- Ian Vaz (III FEP) ["The easy way up Maslow's pyramid]
3rd- Arjun Narayan Kutty (III JPEng) ["There ain't no glass ceiling here!"]

The Association wishes everyone "All the BesT" for tomorrow's events! :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Judgement Criteria for Silhouette 2010 events

Collage and Posters
- Clarity
- Depiction of theme
- Creativity
- Innovativeness of ideas

Caption Writing
- Creativity
- Catchy caption
- Depiction of theme

- Costumes
- Creativity in presentation
- Depiction of theme

15 minutes to fame
- Creativity
- Co-ordination
- Costumes
- Depiction of theme
- Varieties in the programme

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Silhouette 2010 (Theme- Applied Psychology)


-Dress code is formal for both boys and girls.
-Carrying the I.D.Card is mandatory.
-Students are expected to be seated in the auditorium by 9.00 am
-The entry gate would be closed at 9:20 a.m.
-Attendance is compulsory. Attendance would be taken inside the Main auditorium class wise every hour.
-All registrations for on stage events events/competitions are class wise.
-All competitions are inter-combination.
-Maximum participation from every class is expected as additional points will be awarded.
-Participants are requested to register themselves with the class representatives
-Final date for registrations for all events is 18th January, Monday at 4.00 pm.
-The registrations for the various events are to handed over by the class representatives to the teacher in charge.
-Kindly check the Department Notice board and Blog for more details regarding the teacher in charge for the various events

• Team comprises of two members
• A3 or Chart size paper.
• Caption is permitted.
• Minimal writing.
• Sticking pictures and printouts are not allowed.
• Sketch pens/crayons/pencils/lipsticks are permitted.
• Margin has to be given.
• Behind the Poster write your name and Register number
• More than one entry is allowed

• Team comprises of two members
• A3 size paper or Chart paper
• No empty space to be left.
• No use of sketch pens/markers etc permitted.
• Only paper bits from magazines, news papers, books are permitted.
• No colored sheets allowed.
• No cutting with scissors/burning permitted.
• Caption is permitted.
• Behind the collage write your name and Register number

• The work should be original
• One photo should be submitted
• An enclosure with details of photo – film role type, shutter speed, aperture, camera make, etc. to be attached.
• 25 word write up should be provided with the photograph to show how the photograph is related to the theme.
• Entries to be mounted on black chart paper.

• Be Original
• Word limit – Maximum 8 to 10 words
• One Photo will be displayed on the Department notice board and Blog.
• Captions to be dropped in a drop box in the department on 19th Tuesday before 4.00 pm.

Any Clarification please contact Anjan Behera of III JPEng and
Annika Rachel Ambotty III PSEco.


15 Minutes To Fame
• Each team will be allotted a total of 10+5 minutes (onstage and off-stage).
• Any number of items (skit, dance, etc) may be presented within the time limit.
• Mad Ads are not permitted.
• No vulgarity or obscenity permitted in any of the items.
• The items presented must be relevant to the theme of the fest.
• Maximum participation is encouraged from each class.
• Introduction of all items may be done by a representative from the class (within the time allotted).
• All students must be seated class-wise within the auditorium during this event, as different classes will be called upon in a random manner (no lots to be picked).

• One presentation per class, in which maximum participation is encouraged.
• Each team will be allowed a total of 3 minutes for setting up and presenting the tableau (both onstage and off-stage); at the end of three minutes, teams will be asked to move off-stage.
• Relevance to the theme must be brought out clearly through the presentation itself.
• Any spoken material accompanying the tableau must be minimal, and confined to an introduction (within the time limit).
• Criteria for evaluation will include clarity and quality of presentation, participation, coordination, and depiction of the theme.
• Any props required need to be brought by the respective teams and arranged as per requirement backstage in advance.

Group Debate
• Only one team from one combination; six in each team, two each from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year classes (all from same combination) for UG classes and three each from each year for the Post-Graduate classes.
• The 6 topics will be put up in classes the day before the preliminary rounds.
• Teams must prepare for all the six topics, both for and against each topic. At the event, a topic for the debate for each group will be chosen by picking up lots, and the stand of for or against for a side will also be decided by picking the lots.
• In every round, each group talks for 1 minute alternatively, with a total of five such rounds per team. All the members are allowed to use this one minute, one after the other, without any break.
• At any given time, any two groups will be onstage.
• The preliminary rounds involving all teams will take place on Thursday, 21st January. The four best teams will advance to the semi-finals scheduled for Friday, and the best two to the finals thereafter.
• The group getting the highest points with the strongest arguments as evaluated by the judges will be declared the winner.
• The judging criteria will include spontaneity, content of debate, overall effectiveness, confidence, and group participation and coordination.

Any Clarification please contact Chithira Johnson of III PSEng, and Preethi Anne Ninan of III FEP