Friday, July 22, 2011

The Inaugral Ceremony of the Psychology Association

The Inaugural ceremony of the Psychology Association for the academic year 2011-2012 flagged off to a bright start on the afternoon of the 12th of July. As over thousand students streamed into the main auditorium, the stage was set for a glorious start to the year ahead. This year, the association has grown to include both undergraduate and postgraduate students, guided by 4 faculty members.

The guests of honour for the event were Dr. Venkatesan, key note speaker; Dr. Krishnaswami, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences; Dr. Tony Sam George, Head of the Department of Psychology; and Dr. Elizabeth Jasmine, Coordinator.

Prof. Donna in her Welcome Address informed us, that this year, Silhouette, the annual fest of the Psychology Department is going to be spread out through the year, with two events taking place each month. One particular class shall be in charge of each event, and the events range from poster making, photography, exhibition, to the much awaited 15 minutes to fame. The Department will also be organizing the 4th Young Psychologist Competition in the even semester.

The theme for all activities this year is ‘Psychology in India: Then and Now’. This topic was explored in depth by the key note speaker, Dr. Venkatesan. He took us through the history of Psychology in India, its scope, and raised relevant and thought provoking questions with regard to the future of Psychology in India, and the role of the youth in this regard.

It was a proud moment for the Department when the new association members were installed in their respective positions, ready to take on new responsibilities and guide the department into a fun-filled, vibrant year ahead.

Towards the end of the program, was a documentary screening on an ethnographic study on indigenous healing practices by Dr. Baiju, Dr. Tissy and Fr. Verghese, and a screening of the trailer of the play “The Three Winged Angels” put up by the 2nd year HRDM students. With the vote of thanks given by the newly elected President of the Psychology Association, and the Christ Anthem, the ceremony came to its end, marking the beginning of the year long activities of the department.

- Kirthana Basu, Joint Secretary

(Photographs by Kevin Fernandez)

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